C2C Digital Magazine
Volume 1, Issue 19 (2023)
Letter from the C2C Chair—Cheryl Zelle
Cheryl Zelle
Learning by doing: The flight path of Dr. Sheldon L. Eakins, an intrepid equity entrepreneur
Robert Bruce Scott
A practical framework for ethics in educational technology
Gabriel Schott and JaeHwan Byun
“I have a need…the need for speed”: Why slowing down can benefit instructional design
Darin Challacombe
Josh Lake: The cheerleader and life coach every school needs
Robert Bruce Scott
Using Aero to make mobile AR learning experiences
Shalin Hai-Jew
Book review: Shaping up online education post-pandemic
Shalin Hai-Jew
Book review: Harnessing problem solving as a superpower
Shalin Hai-Jew

Shalin Hai-Jew, Kansas State University
Robb Scott, Multilingual Adaptive Systems Newsletter
The editorial board members change over time. Thanks to Dr. Barry Bailey for serving as editorial support for the ScholarSpace system. We are also grateful to Scalar (of USC) for the space to build and host the digital magazine. Colleague 2 Colleague is the sponsoring non-profit organization behind this publication.