ESKAPE Pathogen


CoLab, OCB 100

Start Date

27-4-2018 1:30 PM

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Antibiotic resistance has been a growing problem in healthcare over the last several years. Because of overuse of antibiotics, pathogens are finding ways to combat drugs and thus be resistant to their effects. There isn’t a lot of funding going towards the discovery of new antibiotics because of the fact that they are used only short-term and don’t produce a lot of revenue. By participating in lab and learning about microbiology through the study of soil samples that we bring in, us students are taking part of what’s called the Small World Initiative. We hope to contribute to the discovery of new antibiotics.


The faculty supervisor for this project was Tarik El Mellouki, Biology.

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Apr 27th, 1:30 PM

ESKAPE Pathogen

CoLab, OCB 100

Antibiotic resistance has been a growing problem in healthcare over the last several years. Because of overuse of antibiotics, pathogens are finding ways to combat drugs and thus be resistant to their effects. There isn’t a lot of funding going towards the discovery of new antibiotics because of the fact that they are used only short-term and don’t produce a lot of revenue. By participating in lab and learning about microbiology through the study of soil samples that we bring in, us students are taking part of what’s called the Small World Initiative. We hope to contribute to the discovery of new antibiotics.