The 2008 field season of the Proyecto Arqueológico de Otoro (PADO) ran from July 6 – July 25 and was carried out by Dr. William McFarlane and Dr. Miranda Stockett, along with 5 field school students from Johnson County Community College. This work was supervised by Representative Raul Johnson of the Omoa IHAH office. The goals and objectives of this work, as well as a discussion of our methodologies and results, are described in this report. This was the second formal field season of PADO. Our primary goal was to initiate small-scale excavations at the site of Sinsimbla assess chronological and functional relationships among different components of the site as well as ascertain any damage archaeological remains may have sustained from modern agricultural activities in the valley.
Anthropology | Archaeological Anthropology
Recommended Citation
Stockett, Miranda and McFarlane, William John, "Informé 2008" (2008). Proyecto Arqueologico de Otoro. 2.
This paper is available in both Spanish and English, published as a single paper.