The 2007 season of the Proyecto Arqueologico Valle de Otoro ran from June 3-June 19 and was carried out by Dr. William McFarlane and Dr. Miranda Stockett. The goals and objectives of this work, as well as an extensive discussion of methodologies and results, are described in this report. This was our first official season of fieldwork and our primary goal was to develop a methodologically sound understanding of the distribution, nature, chronology, and degree of preservation of archaeological remains in the valley. A second, but very important, goal was the initiation of a program of education, development, and community outreach based in the ideals of community archaeology.
Anthropology | Archaeological Anthropology
Recommended Citation
Stockett, Miranda and McFarlane, William, "Informé 2007" (2007). Proyecto Arqueologico de Otoro. 1.
Text provided in Spanish and English, respectively.