
OCB 142

Start Date

4-8-2017 8:30 AM

End Date

4-8-2017 9:30 AM


How does Teaching Presence in online courses aid in the development of enhanced instructor practices? This session will present an overview of business student’s perceptions of good teaching in the online learning environment, focusing on Teaching Presence and the Teaching Presence Components of Design and Organization, Discourse Facilitation and Direct Instruction. A synopsis of the presenter’s qualitative research study will be shared, along with suggested online course guidelines based on the Teaching Presence Model. This presentation will also identify how exemplary faculty demonstrate Teaching Presence in online Business courses, while providing a robust and meaningful exploration of the nature and attributes of Teaching Presence in online courses.


Aug 4th, 8:30 AM Aug 4th, 9:30 AM

Big Picture Presence: Bringing Teaching Presence to the Forefront

OCB 142

How does Teaching Presence in online courses aid in the development of enhanced instructor practices? This session will present an overview of business student’s perceptions of good teaching in the online learning environment, focusing on Teaching Presence and the Teaching Presence Components of Design and Organization, Discourse Facilitation and Direct Instruction. A synopsis of the presenter’s qualitative research study will be shared, along with suggested online course guidelines based on the Teaching Presence Model. This presentation will also identify how exemplary faculty demonstrate Teaching Presence in online Business courses, while providing a robust and meaningful exploration of the nature and attributes of Teaching Presence in online courses.