
This project was completed under the supervision of Dr. Brian L. Zirkle, Johnson County Community College.


The following is a mock debate on schizophrenia set in the 1960s at the Sorbonne in Paris, France between two fictional characters, Dr. Brian L. Zacou, a qualitative sociologist and Institute Professor Emeritus at the University of Prague; Dr. Wytt Thomas, a professor of psychology at Harvard University; two notable historical figures: Dr. Michel Foucault [20th-century philosopher, historian, academic and theorist] and Dr. R. D. Laing [20th-century psychiatrist and experimental researcher and author] and the writer of this compendium [artist and writer Alexej Savreux; himself a diagnosed schizophrenic]. We model it as a transcription of a debate held at that juncture. It explores the historical framework of schizophrenia, the deep-seated aspects and reality of psychosis, a critique of psychiatry, and a sociological perspective on psychosis. We devote the first chapter to the historical framework and an explanation of the reality of schizophrenia. The second chapter is a critique of mainstream psychiatry, and the third chapter is a resolution between the mock debaters on the social framework and how best to come out unscathed in post-modernity. The remarks from Foucault and Laing are paraphrased from the works “Madness and Civilization: A History of Insanity in the Age of Reason” (Foucault) and “The Divided Self: An Existential Study in Sanity and Madness” (Laing) and are annotated with footnotes along with a few other sources. The writer has taken great liberties in constructing this mock debate, including the usage of anachronisms, and also determines his findings based on what we refer to as the anti-symmetry underpinning the biopsychosocial reality of schizophrenia and the social framework that ensues, generated by popular responses to abstract disease concepts associated with insanity.
