Start Date

27-4-2023 10:30 AM

Document Type



This project involves discovery of bacterium from a soil sample obtained from Sandstone Creek Apartments in search for a potential antibiotic organism candidate. This organism was isolated from the soil sample by performing soil dilution and further isolated via the creation of streak plates. It was then tested against the safe relatives of antibiotic pathogens and it was determined that candidate 2 exhibited inhibition from all safe relatives except E. aergoenes therefore it was chosen to be isolated for further testing.


The faculty mentor for this project was Matthew Ducote, Biology.



Apr 27th, 10:30 AM

Tiny Earth Student Sourcing Antibiotic discovery

This project involves discovery of bacterium from a soil sample obtained from Sandstone Creek Apartments in search for a potential antibiotic organism candidate. This organism was isolated from the soil sample by performing soil dilution and further isolated via the creation of streak plates. It was then tested against the safe relatives of antibiotic pathogens and it was determined that candidate 2 exhibited inhibition from all safe relatives except E. aergoenes therefore it was chosen to be isolated for further testing.