Start Date

27-4-2023 10:30 AM

Document Type



This research was conducted to isolate a soil sample from Paola, Kansas in hopes to find a microbe that is antibiotic producing. Today there is a need for more antibiotics in the medical world. As antibiotic resistance continues to grow, we need other safe alternatives to help patients. A small sample of soil was taken from a flower bed in Paola, Kansas. A serial dilution was performed, and 16 interesting candidates were selected. Of the 16 original candidates, ultimately one was chosen. Boston Terrier B was selected for its performance after several challenges against the 6 ESKAPE pathogen safe relatives. Further research will continue in order to know more about Boston Terrier B and ultimately know whether or not it is antibiotic producing.


The faculty mentor for this project was Angela Consani, Biology.



Apr 27th, 10:30 AM

Boston Terrier B Bacterial Discovery

This research was conducted to isolate a soil sample from Paola, Kansas in hopes to find a microbe that is antibiotic producing. Today there is a need for more antibiotics in the medical world. As antibiotic resistance continues to grow, we need other safe alternatives to help patients. A small sample of soil was taken from a flower bed in Paola, Kansas. A serial dilution was performed, and 16 interesting candidates were selected. Of the 16 original candidates, ultimately one was chosen. Boston Terrier B was selected for its performance after several challenges against the 6 ESKAPE pathogen safe relatives. Further research will continue in order to know more about Boston Terrier B and ultimately know whether or not it is antibiotic producing.