Start Date

27-4-2023 9:00 AM

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Since its discovery in 1894, the genus Pseudomonas has been defined in very ambiguous terms, which allowed almost 1000 species to be included in the early 20th century. Currently, the only way to determine if a bacteria belongs to this genus is through the use of DNA. By using 15 bacterial candidates, this research hopes to discover a better definition of this genus that uses metabolic tests rather than depending on DNA. This would be especially useful to JCCC students trying to determine the genus of an unknown bacteria when PCR is unsuccessful. While this research is not complete, some defining characteristics that have been discovered include: aerobic, Gram negative, non-lactose fermenting, indole negative, motile, and resistant to multiple antibiotics.


The faculty mentor for this project was Jamie Cunningham, Biology.

Streaming Media



Apr 27th, 9:00 AM

Am I a Pseudomonas?

Since its discovery in 1894, the genus Pseudomonas has been defined in very ambiguous terms, which allowed almost 1000 species to be included in the early 20th century. Currently, the only way to determine if a bacteria belongs to this genus is through the use of DNA. By using 15 bacterial candidates, this research hopes to discover a better definition of this genus that uses metabolic tests rather than depending on DNA. This would be especially useful to JCCC students trying to determine the genus of an unknown bacteria when PCR is unsuccessful. While this research is not complete, some defining characteristics that have been discovered include: aerobic, Gram negative, non-lactose fermenting, indole negative, motile, and resistant to multiple antibiotics.