ScholarSpace @ JCCC - JCCC STEM Poster Symposium: Microorganism Identification from Soil

Start Date

27-4-2023 9:00 AM

Document Type



This experiment involved taking a sample of soil and running multiple tests to try and identify the microorganisms that were inhibiting the growth of other microorganisms. I ran a serial dilution of my soil and collected colonies that seemed to inhibit the growth of others. From there I challenged the microorganisms against different ESKAPE relatives and chose the colony that inhibited the growth of the ESKAPE relatives. I named it EK4 and it inhibited the growth of Escherichia coli(4mm ring of inhibition), Staphylococcus epidermidis(3mm), Enterococcus faecalis(6mm), and Bacillus subtilis(6mm) and after doing a streak plate I was able to identify its morphology as medium size, pale yellow, round, smooth and convex. After that, I ran a gram, spore, and acid-fast stain on EK9 and looked at all stains under an oil immersion lens. EK4 was non-acid-fast, gram-negative, and spore-negative.


The faculty mentor for this project was Angela Consani, Biology.



Apr 27th, 9:00 AM

Microorganism Identification from Soil

This experiment involved taking a sample of soil and running multiple tests to try and identify the microorganisms that were inhibiting the growth of other microorganisms. I ran a serial dilution of my soil and collected colonies that seemed to inhibit the growth of others. From there I challenged the microorganisms against different ESKAPE relatives and chose the colony that inhibited the growth of the ESKAPE relatives. I named it EK4 and it inhibited the growth of Escherichia coli(4mm ring of inhibition), Staphylococcus epidermidis(3mm), Enterococcus faecalis(6mm), and Bacillus subtilis(6mm) and after doing a streak plate I was able to identify its morphology as medium size, pale yellow, round, smooth and convex. After that, I ran a gram, spore, and acid-fast stain on EK9 and looked at all stains under an oil immersion lens. EK4 was non-acid-fast, gram-negative, and spore-negative.