
OCB 100

Start Date

28-4-2022 1:30 PM

Document Type



One of the greatest challenges the world faces today is the emergence of antibiotic-resistant pathogens. When cultured these pathogens show no inhibition zones when screened against todays antibiotics. The purpose of this experiment is to find bacterial colonies that hold clear and defined zones of inhibition against the safe relatives of known antibiotic-resistant pathogens. In my experiment I collected soil sample from Shawnee Mission Park and through serial dilution obtained several bacterial specimens that appeared promising. I then screened these nine bacterial species against the safe relatives of antibiotic resistant pathogens to test if they would hold zones of inhibition. In the end two of my candidates were effective against safe relatives, showing that these species are ideal for use in further research.


The faculty mentor for this project was Rachael Ott, Biology.



Apr 28th, 1:30 PM

Researching Soil

OCB 100

One of the greatest challenges the world faces today is the emergence of antibiotic-resistant pathogens. When cultured these pathogens show no inhibition zones when screened against todays antibiotics. The purpose of this experiment is to find bacterial colonies that hold clear and defined zones of inhibition against the safe relatives of known antibiotic-resistant pathogens. In my experiment I collected soil sample from Shawnee Mission Park and through serial dilution obtained several bacterial specimens that appeared promising. I then screened these nine bacterial species against the safe relatives of antibiotic resistant pathogens to test if they would hold zones of inhibition. In the end two of my candidates were effective against safe relatives, showing that these species are ideal for use in further research.