Antibiotic Crisis



Start Date

3-5-2019 1:30 PM

End Date

3-5-2019 2:45 PM

Document Type



Upon our first day in Microbiology class, I we were made very aware of the antibiotic crisis going on in our world today. We learned that many bacteria become resistant to antibiotics, meaning they no longer do their job like once before. Without people actively trying to find new antibiotics, all the old ones could potentially become useless leaving us with nothing to kill bacteria. We were invited to join a group of people doing just that; hunting to find new antibiotics. Our goal is to find antibiotic-producing bacteria from a sample. My sample was a non-burn soil sample provided by the school. Once potential candidates were found, I screened them against pathogen relatives. The potential antibiotic-producing bacteria I found from my sample was able to fight off two pathogen relatives; Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus epidermidis. Identification and characterization of a pure culture of my candidate has been done using both a genetic approach and through metabolic testing.


The faculty supervisor for this project was Heather Seitz, Biology.



May 3rd, 1:30 PM May 3rd, 2:45 PM

Antibiotic Crisis


Upon our first day in Microbiology class, I we were made very aware of the antibiotic crisis going on in our world today. We learned that many bacteria become resistant to antibiotics, meaning they no longer do their job like once before. Without people actively trying to find new antibiotics, all the old ones could potentially become useless leaving us with nothing to kill bacteria. We were invited to join a group of people doing just that; hunting to find new antibiotics. Our goal is to find antibiotic-producing bacteria from a sample. My sample was a non-burn soil sample provided by the school. Once potential candidates were found, I screened them against pathogen relatives. The potential antibiotic-producing bacteria I found from my sample was able to fight off two pathogen relatives; Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus epidermidis. Identification and characterization of a pure culture of my candidate has been done using both a genetic approach and through metabolic testing.