Start Date
28-4-2022 10:30 AM
Document Type
The overall purpose of my project is to determine if my candidate from my soil sample that I collected has an antibiotic resistance gene. So far I have made a serial dilution in order to dilute my soil therefore making it easier to find specific candidates that will work best. A streak plate was made in order to see if my candidate had any type of reactions to the ESKAPE pathogens. My candidate had not inhibited any of the pathogens. I had continued to work with one candidate in hopes that I could find something. The next step was to do gram staining on my candidate in order to find if it was a gram negative or gram positive. I had found out that I was working with a gram negative Bacillus. I continued to do different stains on my candidate to see if it was anything other than what I had found. There were also many different streak plates I did in order to get an accurate diluted colony to work with. My colony morphology was round and convex also circular in shape. The color was a light yellow.
Antibiotic Gene Candidate
The overall purpose of my project is to determine if my candidate from my soil sample that I collected has an antibiotic resistance gene. So far I have made a serial dilution in order to dilute my soil therefore making it easier to find specific candidates that will work best. A streak plate was made in order to see if my candidate had any type of reactions to the ESKAPE pathogens. My candidate had not inhibited any of the pathogens. I had continued to work with one candidate in hopes that I could find something. The next step was to do gram staining on my candidate in order to find if it was a gram negative or gram positive. I had found out that I was working with a gram negative Bacillus. I continued to do different stains on my candidate to see if it was anything other than what I had found. There were also many different streak plates I did in order to get an accurate diluted colony to work with. My colony morphology was round and convex also circular in shape. The color was a light yellow.
The faculty mentor for this project was Matt Ducote, Biology .