Antibiotic Resistance


CoLab, OCB 100

Start Date

27-4-2018 12:00 PM

Document Type



Antibiotic resistance is a growing crisis in the health industry today. More bacteria are becoming antibiotic resistance faster than new antibiotics are being found and produced. Because of this, Small World Initiative has combined researchers everywhere in an effort to discover new antibiotic producing bacteria in soil. Soil is an ecosystem for some of the most diverse and dynamic organisms on Earth, therefore harboring all kinds of different bacteria. Each student obtains their own sample of soil to test for any antibiotic producing bacteria. That’s thousands of students collecting all types of soil from different environments all over the world in a collaborative effort to fight antibiotic resistant diseases.


The faculty supervisor for this project was Melissa Beaty, Biology.


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Apr 27th, 12:00 PM

Antibiotic Resistance

CoLab, OCB 100

Antibiotic resistance is a growing crisis in the health industry today. More bacteria are becoming antibiotic resistance faster than new antibiotics are being found and produced. Because of this, Small World Initiative has combined researchers everywhere in an effort to discover new antibiotic producing bacteria in soil. Soil is an ecosystem for some of the most diverse and dynamic organisms on Earth, therefore harboring all kinds of different bacteria. Each student obtains their own sample of soil to test for any antibiotic producing bacteria. That’s thousands of students collecting all types of soil from different environments all over the world in a collaborative effort to fight antibiotic resistant diseases.