Microbiology Lab Project
CoLab, OCB 100
Start Date
28-4-2017 1:00 PM
End Date
28-4-2017 2:45 PM
Document Type
Although this research may not immediately affect my life, it could potentially save lives of my or other people’s loved ones. There are many forms of drug resistant bacteria that can severely harm someone’s life, and by bringing in our own soil and testing it against different pathogens, were are able to single out different bacteria that could be used against those that are drug resistant. We are given five different ESKAPE pathogens to plate with our bacteria to observe what grows and what doesn’t. We will use genetic analysis to identify our bacteria sample. Since I am not a microbiologist, nor do I know how to figure out the DNA sequencing of my bacteria, our pure samples will be mixed with liquid so we are able to find the 16S gene and the genetic makeup to see what is resistant and what isn’t. I never thought I would use dirt from my backyard to find bacteria to help fight against antibiotic resistant viruses, but I have found six different candidates that have kept bacteria from growing around them.
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Microbiology Lab Project
CoLab, OCB 100
Although this research may not immediately affect my life, it could potentially save lives of my or other people’s loved ones. There are many forms of drug resistant bacteria that can severely harm someone’s life, and by bringing in our own soil and testing it against different pathogens, were are able to single out different bacteria that could be used against those that are drug resistant. We are given five different ESKAPE pathogens to plate with our bacteria to observe what grows and what doesn’t. We will use genetic analysis to identify our bacteria sample. Since I am not a microbiologist, nor do I know how to figure out the DNA sequencing of my bacteria, our pure samples will be mixed with liquid so we are able to find the 16S gene and the genetic makeup to see what is resistant and what isn’t. I never thought I would use dirt from my backyard to find bacteria to help fight against antibiotic resistant viruses, but I have found six different candidates that have kept bacteria from growing around them.
The faculty supervisor on this project is Heather Seitz, Biology.