
JCCC Honors Journal


Satire is successful when the writer can make an audience believe the idea presented is not only logical, but practical; the most effective satirists can even convince the reader to consider the idea as a reasonable solution to a problem. Often, satire is used to bring to light certain social or moral issues or absurdities, and even more ridiculous resolutions to said problems. While certain satires are appealing in their obvious disgust of humanity, other works are not so blatant in their mockery, presenting more realistic situations. One of the most famous satirists of the 20th century, Aldous Huxley employed such tactics in Brave New World and Ape and Essence, not to mention other famous novels and essays. In Brave New World, Huxley shows how appalling it would be to remain ignorant in happiness, and lack the potential to develop as a frail, error-prone being. The greatest satirical aspect of this book is that the human race, while trying to better itself and gain knowledge, ends up becoming its own adversary and enemy. Because of this successfully ironic portrayal of human nature, Huxley remains one of the most successful 20th century satirists.
