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Thursday, August 5th
3:30 PM

Gaming and Technical Learning - Bridging the Gap.

George Waters

Hudson Auditorium

3:30 PM

(Presentation Unavailable) Active Multimodal Learning: Fan the Intellectual Flames with VoiceThread Online Technology

Janet Holland

RC 175

3:30 PM

(Presentation Unavailable) Defying Time and Space - Adventures in Blended Learning

Michael Thompson

RC 101D

3:30 PM

(Presentation Unavailable) Do You Know Where Your Students Are?

Jeff Maynard, Biometric Signature ID

RC 145

3:30 PM

(Presentation Unavailable) Flexible Lecture Capture: Reaching the Students Where They Are

David Antonacci
Jameson Watkins

RC 155

3:30 PM

(Presentation Unavailable) Leverage the Web in the Classroom: Social Bookmarking for Educators using Diigo

Keith Krieger, Johnson County Community College

RC 181

3:30 PM

(Presentation Unavailable) Wimba Pronto: Instant Collaboration to Support 21st Century Learning

Shelley Constant, Wimba, Inc.

RC 157

3:30 PM

Research Networks & 15 Tools

Lissa Lord, University of Kansas Main Campus

RC 101C

3:30 PM