C2C Digital Magazine
Volume 1, Issue 10 (2019) C2C Digital Magazine
Letter from the Chair: Nicole M. Frank
Nicole M. Frank
Accessibility in the Online Classroom
Roberta Sheahan and Brian A. Dye
Digital Content Curation
Lisa Shappee
Should There be a Percentage Threshold for Determining Plagiarism as an Academic Offense?
Tamara Fudge
Building an Interactive Tutorial Website for R and Statistics
Jiena Gu McLellan
Can Someone Really Prepare for Ministry Online?
Rick Bartlett
Human Perceptual Changes in a Technological World—An Exploration
Desiree L. DePriest
In Times of Great Change: Reality, Morality and Ethics on the Internet
Desiree L. DePriest
Creating a Simple PivotTable in Excel 2016
Shalin Hai-Jew
Listening in on Public Conversations on Microblogging and Social Networking Sites (with NCapture and NVivo 12 Plus)
Shalin Hai-Jew
Providing Peer Review for Top-Tier Academic Publishers
Shalin Hai-Jew

Haylee R. Dass, Butler Community College
Rebecca Gould, Kansas State University
Shalin Hai-Jew, Kansas State University
Lisa Shappee, Kansas State University
The editorial board members change over time. Thanks to Barry Bailey for serving as editorial support for the ScholarSpace system. Thanks to Sarah Silva for the digital magazine covers. We are also grateful to Scalar for the space to build and host the digital magazine. Colleague 2 Colleague is the sponsoring non-profit organization behind this publication.