Start Date

28-4-2022 12:00 PM

Document Type



Westwood Hills Soil Sample. The purpose of this research was to find bacteria within our soil samples and dilute them for screening as candidates against ESKAPE relatives in hopes of discovering new antibiotic possibilities that are needed for the future of healthcare advancement. Plates with countable colonies were formed by a series of serial dilutions from a soil sample collected in Westwood Hills that were transferred to a master plate for closer watch. The soil sample was chosen due to the amount of people that come in contact with it. Hoping that we can benefit from the microbes in the soil. From observation, the best candidate was then isolated on a streak plate once signs of inhibiting growth of an ESKAPE relative was found. In order to identify the bacteria on the streak plate, the candidate had to undergo metabolic and genetic testing to determine the ribosome RNA sequence needed for classification.


The faculty mentor for this project was Heather Seitz, Biology.


Apr 28th, 12:00 PM

Bacteria Screening for Antibiotic Research

Westwood Hills Soil Sample. The purpose of this research was to find bacteria within our soil samples and dilute them for screening as candidates against ESKAPE relatives in hopes of discovering new antibiotic possibilities that are needed for the future of healthcare advancement. Plates with countable colonies were formed by a series of serial dilutions from a soil sample collected in Westwood Hills that were transferred to a master plate for closer watch. The soil sample was chosen due to the amount of people that come in contact with it. Hoping that we can benefit from the microbes in the soil. From observation, the best candidate was then isolated on a streak plate once signs of inhibiting growth of an ESKAPE relative was found. In order to identify the bacteria on the streak plate, the candidate had to undergo metabolic and genetic testing to determine the ribosome RNA sequence needed for classification.