
RC 270

Start Date

30-7-2015 12:45 PM

End Date

30-7-2015 1:45 PM


Phones are amazing devices that serve as phone, personal assistant, entertainment center, camera, content source and more. Instructors and tech specialists are often under pressure to learn new tools on a "need to know basis." In this 50-minute session, we'll cram in tips, tricks and shortcuts you may have missed in your rush to quickly start using your iPhone.


Jul 30th, 12:45 PM Jul 30th, 1:45 PM

iPhone Tips and Shortcuts You Wish You Already Knew

RC 270

Phones are amazing devices that serve as phone, personal assistant, entertainment center, camera, content source and more. Instructors and tech specialists are often under pressure to learn new tools on a "need to know basis." In this 50-minute session, we'll cram in tips, tricks and shortcuts you may have missed in your rush to quickly start using your iPhone.