Event Title
Regnier Center 157
Start Date
4-8-2011 8:30 AM
Mobile devices have created an environment where information is personal, on demand, and instant. As the information hub of an institution, it is up to the library to make sure that mobile resources are available, and that interactions are made easy. Important considerations discussed include:
- Databases, resources (like libguides), mobile-native/accessible services (twitter), and catalog access
- Playing to common denominators (focusing on “web-based” instead of “device dependant apps”, QR codes instead of NFC support Google shifted their focus to) when providing resources.
- Resources for mobile technology vs. mobile technology being used in the library (providing things like a mobile catalog vs. supplying QR codes on our physical journals to give people links to the digital journals, just in case they have a phone handy and might want to know it)
- Having things like wifi actively accessible for non-cellular mobile devices like iPod touches, or just to ease impact on individuals’ data plans.
Mobile Devices in the Modern Library
Regnier Center 157
Mobile devices have created an environment where information is personal, on demand, and instant. As the information hub of an institution, it is up to the library to make sure that mobile resources are available, and that interactions are made easy. Important considerations discussed include:
- Databases, resources (like libguides), mobile-native/accessible services (twitter), and catalog access
- Playing to common denominators (focusing on “web-based” instead of “device dependant apps”, QR codes instead of NFC support Google shifted their focus to) when providing resources.
- Resources for mobile technology vs. mobile technology being used in the library (providing things like a mobile catalog vs. supplying QR codes on our physical journals to give people links to the digital journals, just in case they have a phone handy and might want to know it)
- Having things like wifi actively accessible for non-cellular mobile devices like iPod touches, or just to ease impact on individuals’ data plans.