Event Title

(Presentation Unavailable) Facing Reality: The Challenges of Using eTextbooks in Online Classes

Presenter Information

Roger Von Holzen
Darla Runyon
Jon Rickman


RC 101D

Start Date

5-8-2010 12:45 PM


Over the past several years, online classes have been slowly delving into the realm of eTextbooks, primarily motivated by cost and delivery issues. Until the fall of 2008, that was the case with Northwest Missouri State University. But starting that fall, Northwest undertook an initial pilot study to test the feasibility of moving toward an eTextbook-based academic environment. The pilot focused on utilizing publisher-provided eTextbook content within online class environments. It quickly became apparent that the reality of what the publishers were providing as "eTextbooks" did not match our expectations and needs. This session will discuss the challenges of implementing the use of eTextbooks and will demonstrate the various eTextbooks options for the delivery of course content, and the practical considerations with respect to the full deployment of eTextbooks, including costs, infrastructure issues, and academic concerns. The session leaders will also provide insight as to some of the key issues they have encountered in dealing with the eTextbook publishers.


Aug 5th, 12:45 PM

(Presentation Unavailable) Facing Reality: The Challenges of Using eTextbooks in Online Classes

RC 101D

Over the past several years, online classes have been slowly delving into the realm of eTextbooks, primarily motivated by cost and delivery issues. Until the fall of 2008, that was the case with Northwest Missouri State University. But starting that fall, Northwest undertook an initial pilot study to test the feasibility of moving toward an eTextbook-based academic environment. The pilot focused on utilizing publisher-provided eTextbook content within online class environments. It quickly became apparent that the reality of what the publishers were providing as "eTextbooks" did not match our expectations and needs. This session will discuss the challenges of implementing the use of eTextbooks and will demonstrate the various eTextbooks options for the delivery of course content, and the practical considerations with respect to the full deployment of eTextbooks, including costs, infrastructure issues, and academic concerns. The session leaders will also provide insight as to some of the key issues they have encountered in dealing with the eTextbook publishers.